I first saw Meghan Patrick at Boots & Hearts in 2013. She was fronting The Stone Sparrows, a local Bowmanville act, and the second she opened her mouth she had my attention. Gorgeous, talented and wearing what turned out to be my favourite boots of the weekend. I think Meghan has the voice of an angel and her new song is stuck in my head.

Meghan Patrick The Stone Sparrows Boots and Hearts 2013
Meghan Patrick The Stone Sparrows Boots and Hearts 2013

No longer playing with The Stone Sparrows, Meghan is doing some solo stuff for 2015. Rumour has it she’s talking with labels. I hope they see what I see, and that we get an album from this talented Canadian singer soon.

Check out Meghan’s latest offering, recorded at Soundwave Studios as part of their Toque Sessions.