Ok Ontario are you up for a Hell Raising Good Time? Predictable one liner we know but this guy puts on one hell of a show!


WE Have 1 pair of VIP Tickets to the FINAL date of the Get A Little Crazy tour in Oshawa with Tim Hicks, Cold Creek County and Jason Benoit and we want to give them to YOU!   All you have to do is answer the following 3 questions below.

  1.  Name 1 song Tim performed for our Mason Jar Sessions?
  2.  What is the name of Tim’s CURRENT ALBUM?
  3.  Name one of Tim Hicks favourite movies? (Found in the link)

For and extra entry be sure to SHARE this post to your Facebook  page.

COMMENT BELOW on your answers…..

We will draw a winner THIS FRIDAY November 20th at 5pm.

Good Luck!

For tickets to the remaining shows head over to www.getalittlecrazytour.com

Follow Tim on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Have you seen Tim’s latest Keep On Swinging & Shock The World Trilogy?



0 Responses

  1. 1. Friends Around Here
    2. 5:01+
    3. Saving Private Ryan

    P.S. I would die to see Tim live! Never have, but always wanted to because I hear he is amazing!!!

  2. 1. Friends Around Here 2. 5:01+3 3. Had more than one, Saving Private Ryan” ; “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”; and “That Thing You Do”

  3. 1.-Young, Alive and In Love!
    2.- 5:01!
    3.- Too many to narrow down to one, but a few of favs are “Saving Private Ryan” ; “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”; and “That Thing You Do”

  4. 1. Young , Alive and in Love
    2. 5:01+
    3. Saving Private Ryan, forgetting Sarah Marshall, and that thing you do

  5. New album is 5:01
    Favorite movies hard to narrow down but it saving privet Ryan, forgetting Sarah Marshall and that thing that you do
    Mason jar session is young alive and in love
    Would love to have a hell raising good time with Tim Hicks in Oshawa. Keeping toes and fingers crossed….

  6. Love Tim Hicks and wiuld really love to get the chance to see him in Oshawa!! To answer the questions. ……
    2. 5:01+
    3. SAVING PRIVATE RYAN!!! (also one of my favs)

  7. 1) Young, Alive and in love
    2) 5:01 +
    3) Saving Private Ryan

    Would love to win these for my Mom! Her Birthday is coming up and this would be an awesome way for her to celebrate! 🙂

  8. 1) young, alive and in love
    2) 5:01+
    3) Saving private Ryan
    Tim Hicks is awesome and such an amazing performer. .love his voice and songs ?

    1. Yikes……….don’t know what I was doing………scratch the 2nd “Friends Around Here”………and add the movie “Saving Private Ryan”