A few months ago Amanda Kingsland of Country 101.1 went to the CCMA Awards sporting a unique shirt. The shirt had 5 names on it. Jess, Kira, Meghan, Lindsay and Madeline. Not long after that the station launched the Girl Power Hour and soon after a trend was born.

We’ve long been supporters of the incredible female artists that make up the country music scene, both here in Canada and abroad, and like Amanda feel that they haven’t been given enough credit over the years. The response to Amanda’s shirt made one thing clear, the Fav Five shirt needed to be a thing. People wanted their own shirt to promote their own Fav Five.
We reached out to Amanda about a month ago and an idea was hatched. Today that idea turns into reality as we’re excited to join forces with Country 101.1 and GallantMEDIA to present the Fav Five Females Custom Tee or Tank. You pick your FAV Five Females and we’ll do the rest. All proceeds from these shirts will be donated to www.WomenInMusic.ca.
To celebrate this amazing new initiative and the amazingly talented women we hear on the airwaves we’ve created a playlist on Spotify with a few of our favourites. Why not give it a listen while you pick your FAV Five!