The lighting was stellar, the sound was amazing and the performance was no less than what you would expect from someone as big as Tom Cochrane and his Mad Mad World Tour. Even the opening act, Meghan Patrick was most welcoming.

NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
From Bowmanville, Ontario, Meghan released her first debut album, Grace & Grit, last year after parting ways from the Stone Sparrows and she has done nothing but good things since.
In her 30 minute opening performance she played through 5 songs finishing with, “Bow Chicka Wow Wow”. This last song, filled with boot stomping base, got the crowd pumped to see Tom Cochrane.

NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
Meghan and her band nailed it.
The moment when Tom and his band arrived backstage they were joking with each other, dancing and clearly filled with a companionship that all great, enduring bands require. I was excited for them as they casually walked out into the stage light.

NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
Their enthusiasm during the show did not subside one bit while Tom was constantly high fiving, fist bumping and shaking hands with members of the audience. Both the band and the audience clearly had a blast.
Tom played through the first few songs that included, “Sinking Like a Sunset” and “Bigger Man”, before performing, “All the King’s Men”, with Meghan Patrick. The audience lost it when Meghan came back out on stage – everyone was clearly loving her.

NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
Red Rider and Tom Cochrane played through a few more popular tracks with a few seconds of banter between each of the songs. But the crowd was out of their seats to almost a person, old and young alike, when “Life is a Highway” was belted out.

NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
I was impressed. I don’t think I have ever seen everyone in the NAC stand up at once. Arms were flailing, folks were clapping – it was a really great show.
When all was nearly wrapped up, both Tom Cochrane and Red Rider came back out for the encore and finished up the night with, “Good Times” and “Boy Inside the Man”.
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
NAC, Ottawa. March 2017.
Photo by Dale Sinclair
*Review and photos by Dale Sinclair – Facebook: @dalesinclairphoto or the www:
Great review!! I was at the show and thoroughly enjoyed it also!!
Thanks Ronman65! Glad you enjoyed the show.
I am flabbergasted with this review! I was there and the sound was too loud and muffled any legibility of musicality (both Tom and Meghan). The lighting was unimaginative and was annoying at best. It totally distracted from the show. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought it was engineered to bring on seizures.
I attended the Blue Rodeo concert a few weeks earlier, and it was a far superior event, both from a sound and lighting perspective.
My wife and I left the Tom Cochran show before the end because of the poor quality of the event. Staying any longer and I’m sure our ears would have bled!
Hi Steve- Thanks for taking the time to comment.
It’s too bad you and wour wife did not enjoy the show. I hope your next event is more in line with your expectations.
Personallly, I found the audience quite energized by the performance. It is rare to see everyone at the NAC standing up, clapping and cheering at the NAC. All too often, the crowd is quite reserved.
As for the lighting – for a couple minutes during one of TC’s songs there were strobes blinking and flashing at the audience. I actually did look away for parts of that song. Otherwise, I found the lighting some of the better setups I have experienced at this particular venue. To each their own I suppose.
All things considered, I really do hope you have more fun at your next show. Cheers.