Day 2 began weather wise almost where Day 1 ended … there were sever wind warnings in effect with speeds up to 50 km/hr expected in the afternoon
Local prairie born and raised Tanya Ryan stepped out on stage to start off day 2 of the Windy Valley Jamboree, newly christened courtesy all the strong wind gusts that had everyone on the production crew walking on egg shells the entire day, ready to react on a moment’s notice.

Tanya took to the stage barefoot and ready to make use of the entire catwalk, pretty much avoiding the stage itself almost entirely throughout her set.

Tanya jokingly pointed out she’d never eaten so much of her hair during a set … she’s actually lucky because winds picked up off and on throughout the course of the day.

Meghan Patrick is unapologetically authentic and true to herself … she’s not going to change who she is as a person or an artist to try to fit some imaginary mold of what a female musician is expected to be, country or otherwise … and if you try to diss her she WILL call you out! That’s been pretty much been the conversation surrounding her for the past week given the incident at a music festival in Ontario … it’s garnered a great deal of media attention even outside the music industry. Even if you haven’t heard of her before she, you can’t help but get that impression from her commanding performances on stage and hear it in her music.

She will stop to sign an autograph, reach over for a high 5, hand out guitar picks, and even pose for selfies ALL while singing.

She will reach every corner of the stage and catwalk to get as close to the fans as possible – including hopping onto the speakers or off the stage all together when the opportunity arises.

The wind that had been blowing through off and on throughout that day brought with it a brief moment of cloud cover during the set, prompting her to remove her glasses, only to have to quickly put them back on … but as with Tanya, Meghan pointed out never having eaten so much of her hair before … yes, it was a good thing she washed it in the morning … but then most of her band shared those same struggles, except for the hat toting drummer and base player, who ironically don’t have hair long enough to eat in the wind.

The set consisted of a collection of songs, from her new single Wild As Me, some newly recorded tracks, to some classic covers and ending with her first #1 hit, Walls Come Down. In between it all she talked about her music, offered up a shot of whiskey, and yes, that incident was briefly mentioned but only in it’s epic timing as a lead in to a song.