When the Lights Go Down – Shinny Hockey and VIP Experience
Did you know Chad Brownlee, Jess Moskaluke and Bobby Wills are playing shinny hockey with you on the When the Lights Go Down tour? Ok, with contest winners, but that could be you! We shot some footage of the St. Patrick’s Day Shinny Shenanigans at Toronto’s The Mod Club.
When the Lights Go Down in Toronto – Chad Brownlee, Jess Moskaluke and Bobby Wills
Tuesday afternoon the “When the Lights Go Down” tour rolled into Toronto with Chad Brownlee, Jess Moskaluke and Bobby Wills ready to show the big city, a little country. I was so happy I’d booked the day off to cover the show at The Mod Club. St. Patrick’s Day and When the Lights Go Down tour, […]