5 summers of Sound Check Entertainment

It’s hard to believe that it’s been half a decade already since it all began.  Although for the first 4, or so, summers I was primarily the only writer there were a lot of people behind the scenes that ensured that I could get to the festivals and events.  Here’s my look back at the […]

Country Junkie – Gord Bamford

I had the chance to talk to multiple CCMA Award winner & Sony Music recording artist Gord Bamford about his current swing through Manitoba and Ontario on the Country Junkie Tour and what 2015/16 have in store.

Welcoming Trish Cassling to the Sound Check family!

Here we grow again.  A few months shy of a year after we added Corey Kelly to the writing team and about 2 months after we added Alberta Kelly we’re doing it again.  Please give a warm welcome to Trish Cassling who recently joined the Sound Check family.