Happy Canada Day! Top 10 Reasons We’re Proud to Be Canadian
148 years ago today one of the greatest nations in the world was born, Canada. On this special day we’d like to salute our home and native land and highlight just some of the reasons that make us proud to be Canadian!
5 summers of Sound Check Entertainment
It’s hard to believe that it’s been half a decade already since it all began. Although for the first 4, or so, summers I was primarily the only writer there were a lot of people behind the scenes that ensured that I could get to the festivals and events. Here’s my look back at the […]
Country Junkie – Gord Bamford
I had the chance to talk to multiple CCMA Award winner & Sony Music recording artist Gord Bamford about his current swing through Manitoba and Ontario on the Country Junkie Tour and what 2015/16 have in store.
Welcoming Trish Cassling to the Sound Check family!
Here we grow again. A few months shy of a year after we added Corey Kelly to the writing team and about 2 months after we added Alberta Kelly we’re doing it again. Please give a warm welcome to Trish Cassling who recently joined the Sound Check family.