Canada Day on Parliament Hill 2018: Hot Hot Hot!

The temperature on Sunday was forecast to hit a high of 36C and by early afternoon the humidex reached 47C matching an all-time high set in Ottawa. That didn’t stop many proud Canadians from braving the heat to join in the celebrations on the Hill.

Arkells Dominate K-Rock Centre Like Modern Day Pop Icons

Now I have to admit, while I like the Arkells, I never jumped on the buzz-worthy bandwagon that a lot of my peers seem to have. Arkells are solid. They bring energy to every show. They even get political sometimes, and their “Ode to the Whistleblower” is a pretty powerful tune. And much like Glorious […]

Home Sweet WayHome!

It was a sweltering weekend in Oro-Medonte and the weather wasn’t the only thing that was hot. With an attendance upwards of 40,000 people (a 5,000 person increase from last years inaugural event) WayHome was the place to be.

Ottawa Bluesfest – Week in Review

It’s hard to believe that the event that I’ve been anticipating all year is already halfway through.  It feels like just yesterday that the Full Flex Express rolled into town kicking off what would be an incredible 11 days of live entertainment along the Ottawa River.  New to our coverage this year is the addition […]