Multi-Platinum Rock Band The Tea Party Announce Summer Tour

New Single “The Beautiful” At Canadian Radio
Sunny skies attract thousands to Sound of Music Festival

Burlington’s Sound of Music Festival once again showed fans what they are made of with a packed weekend of talent, great food and gorgeous weather.
Sound of Music announces line up for the biggest free music festival of the year!
Sound of Music Festival proudly announces their FREE concert line-up for Father’s Day Weekend on Burlington’s Waterfront.
HOT Mid Summer Festival Recap…
So it has been a red hot summer thus far in terms of Festivals we have covered since June 1st. Not just hot shows but the weather has been smokin’ for most of them. I though I might take a shot at a mid summer festival recap and just do a quick review on […]
So this past weekend marked the start of the Sound of Music Festival with their 2nd Annual Kick Off Party. The weather was hot, the beer was cold and the fans came out to support an amazing day of Rock & Roll.
I Mother Earth & Edwin Rock the Phoenix
So, I didn’t really want to say I Mother Earth with Edwin as my headline because well, I Mother Earth isn’t I Mother Earth without him in my personal opinion. Now that that is out of the way lets talk Reunion show #1 held at the Phoenix Concert Theatre in downtown Toronto on Friday June […]
In Conversation with Hugh Dillon
I had a chance to chat with, in my personal opinion, one of the very best frontmen of any rock act in the 90’s and likely even to date in Canada. Hugh Dillon was leader of the fist pumpin’, beer chuggin’ & hard rockin’ crowds in the 90’s right across Canada for the band, […]
Falling For The Redhill Valleys
The Spice Factory in Hamilton was host to the album release of The Redhill Valleys on Tuesday, and it was completely sold out. There was a buzz of excitement among everyone in attendance, merch and cd’s were flying off of the table before any music even began. The trio of Danielle Beaudin, Chelsea McWilliams and […]
Sound of Music Festival – 2016 Artist Line Up…
So the Sound of Music Festival in Burlington, Ontario announced the line up to the biggest FREE Music Festival in Canada.
Sound of Music Festival – Wrap Up
Yesterday was the final day to catch some free music in Burlington, Ontario as the 37th annual Sound of Music Festival wrapped up with Canadian rock legends Loverboy. My family and I have been attending SOMF for the past 5 years and LOVE bringing the family down to enjoy the weekend. As a family we have made […]