Music and Media communities come together in support of Sean Sisk

Music and media go hand in hand. The talented ones make and perform the music while us media folks cover the music and use photos taken by our photographers and videographers to showcase it…well earlier this summer one of Ottawa’s favourite photographers, Sean Sisk, suddenly took ill right at the start of RBC Bluesfest. Since […]
Sing Out for CHEO returns this February moves to Lone Star Loft!

Last year we joined forces with several local partners to help present Sing Out for CHEO. This amazing event has featured incredible performances by artists like the River Town Saints, Sandi Skye and, of course, event founder, Danny Sylvestre. We are now happy to announce that the next Sing Out for CHEO event will take […]
Country Music is Coming to London, ON in a BIG way!
Hard to believe we are only 4.5 months away from the Canadian Country Music Association Awards show in London, Ontario. But hold your horses, They have so much more coming to London before we can even talk about September.
Rain doesn’t dampen spirits at Spencerville Stampede

It was a great start to the day with the first full day of Ram Rodeo action in the rodeo ring. The stands were full and everyone had a blast. Weather was moving in for the evening but it didn’t seem to deter the fans that were busy streaming into the venue to get a […]
Ottawa Bluesfest – Week in Review

It’s hard to believe that the event that I’ve been anticipating all year is already halfway through. It feels like just yesterday that the Full Flex Express rolled into town kicking off what would be an incredible 11 days of live entertainment along the Ottawa River. New to our coverage this year is the addition […]
5 summers of Sound Check Entertainment
It’s hard to believe that it’s been half a decade already since it all began. Although for the first 4, or so, summers I was primarily the only writer there were a lot of people behind the scenes that ensured that I could get to the festivals and events. Here’s my look back at the […]
Jason Blaine raises $75000 with help from a few good friends!
When you are a celebrity and want to give back to your community there’s no better way than to gather up a few close friends and throw a party…and then invite the community to attend. Over the last two days, Jason Blaine did just that in Pembroke for the Second Annual Celebrity Charity Golf Classic […]