Terri Clark @ Casino Rama

Friday night saw Terri Clark return to Casino Rama after a 1 year hiatus.   Terri had been playing the venue on a regular basis but didn’t manage to make it up to Orillia last year.  I would have to say the heart grows fonder or maybe its the crowd that does, when they don’t get […]

CMAO 2016 Award Nominations…

Lets keep this one simple.  I love Country Music!  I really do.  And this morning waking up to the CMAO 2016 Award Nominations was kind of like a kid at Christmas.  As my eyes read through and processed this years nominations I couldn’t help but wonder.  Who will be the BIG Winners next month at […]

Getting To Know The Sound Check Team…

So we thought it was time to introduce all the readers to the amazing people behind the Sound Check Team.   Over the last five years SCE has grown leaps and bounds and we just thought maybe you wanted to get to know the team a little more. We are going to be EVERYWHERE this […]

Mariana’s Trench Never Say Die!

What happens when you have a multi platinum selling headliner, then you add multi platinum selling support act, and then add a relatively “new” act embarking on his first national tour? You get an overload to the audio/visual senses! Mariana’s Trench, in full stride on their Never Say Die national tour held their fans in the […]

Say My Name Canada – Aurora

Things really got hot in Aurora, Ontario Thursday Feb 4th.  It was wall to wall people and great music as I had the pleasure of attending a very special community centered event. This was the launch of the Say My Name Canada 2016 campaign at Aw Shucks Seafood Bar and Bistro.

Looking back at 2015

At the end of last year I looked ahead to 2015 and made a bold prediction that it would be bigger with more interviews with bigger artists, more festivals, more events and more contests. I could never have predicted exactly how much bigger the year would actually be.