DURAN DURAN = Best Toronto Concert Of The Summer

One of the worlds biggest pop glam rock bands took over Toronto on August 22 2022 to a sold out audience, that band was DURAN DURAN. Touring in honour of their latest album release Future Past, and to give their devoting fans a well deserved night out for classic hits and fun post COVID […]
Mötley Crüe Tribute Band “Theater Of Pain” Returns to John Street Pub in Arnprior.

If you were looking for a great sounding Mötley Crüe tribute band last Saturday night and were at John Street Pub The John Street Pub in Arnprior then you got exactly what you were looking for. I’ve been a Crüe fan since the beginning and really didn’t know what to expect but after the first song, Dr. Feelgood, […]
Chatting with Honeymoon Suite’s Derry Grehan

I had a chance to chat with Honeymoon Suites Derry Grehan a week or so before they hit the stage in Hamilton & Mississauga this week.