Mokomokai and Cross Dog invade House of Targ

Saturday, September 14th there was an invasion at the House of Targ. Peterborough’s  Mokomokai and CrossDog rolled into town to lay down some good old fashion heavy metal and punk rock and roll.

Dee Snider – We’re Not Gonna Take It (Ballad)

So Dee Snider the lead singer of the infamous Twisted Sister has redone their MASSIVE HIT, We’re Not Gonna Take to raise awareness for Criss Angel’s HELP (Heal Every Life Possible) charity.  If you were a fan of the original take a look at this one.  And all for a good cause!


So this past weekend marked the start of the Sound of Music Festival with their 2nd Annual Kick Off Party.  The weather was hot, the beer was cold and the fans came out to support an amazing day of Rock & Roll.

Many Looks of Drummer Chris Frazier

Here’s a look back to when Sound Check covered the fun show that Foreigner delivered in April at Casino Rama. Love how they interact with their audience, and drummer Chris Frazier is a prime example of that. 

Alice Cooper Rocks Rama!

I have been so fortunate to cover so many amazing shows this year, in all genres of music. I’ve been “wowed” quite a few times by some amazing performances, but things just got ratcheted up by Mr. Alice Cooper.

Sloan strikes One Chord to Another in London

Canadian alternative rock icons from the 90’s, Sloan, made a stop in London on May 10th on their,”One Chord to Another”, tour. The tour is promoting their recently released box set that includes all the hits of that past 25 years. London Music Hall played host to this awesome night of music and those in the […]

Welcome To The State Of SATE

SATE, the fifty first state. Where the status quo, inhibitions, and rules do not apply. Everyone should spend time with SATE, to reenergize their world.