This was my first year really getting serious about doing photography. Admittedly the learning curve was huge, but the development and rewards were 100% worth the struggle. From sneaking my camera into shows at the beginning of the year, to working the stage at the CTC by the end, it’s been a wild ride.
WTFest rocks Brantford
I am sure there are still a lot of people scratching their heads saying, “What The F*#% happened on Saturday night in Brantford”. Well, I will tell you; one heck of a rock show happened. WTfest was back for its second year. This year, Jamie and his gang were presented with picture perfect weather for what was to become a legendary show in the home city of the, “Great One”, Brantford ON.
Give credit where credit is due! #MondayMusings
I’ve been involved in the music industry in one way shape or form for the last 10 years and one thing that continues to surprise me is the shocking two sides that this industry has. I’ve always known it exists but until recently it’s never really affected me directly.