Canada Celebrates Year 152 on Parliament Hill

The weather gods atoned for the past two years on Monday by delivering a sunny warm day filled with good cheer, good music, and patriotism.
Canada Day on Parliament Hill 2018: Hot Hot Hot!

The temperature on Sunday was forecast to hit a high of 36C and by early afternoon the humidex reached 47C matching an all-time high set in Ottawa. That didn’t stop many proud Canadians from braving the heat to join in the celebrations on the Hill.
Plan your Canada Day Celebrations in Canada’s Capital Region

Back-to-back Canada Day celebrations and performances await you and your family!
Canada Turns 150 on the Hill – Part 2

On July 1st, approximately 25,000 thousands red and white clad partygoers could be found dancing the night away on Parliament Hill. Those brave souls who endured the very long security lines only to be dumped on by Mother Nature were rewarded by performances by some of the country’s leading artists.
Canada Turns 150 on the Hill – Part 1

Thousands of patriotic Canadians braved the line-ups, the rain and mud, the street closures, and the porta-potties to celebrate our nation’s birthday Parliament Hill style. Those who finally made it through the security gates were not disappointed.
Ottawa, the city that fun forgot…NOT!

A common saying you’ll hear frequently when living in Ottawa is that it is the city that fun forgot. I’d like to make a case for the exact opposite and all you have to do is take a look at the summer festival season.
UPDATED – Experience Canada Day Like Never Before!

Ottawa–Gatineau will host a full weekend of Canada Day activities and performances for Canada 150 OTTAWA, June 1, 2017 /CNW/ – Get ready to celebrate Canada Day like never before! Today, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage, revealed details of the three-day-long Canada Day festivities taking place in Canada’s Capital Region. From June 30 […]
Leah Daniels, a Famous Live Band and Fireworks…Canada Day in Barrhaven

The day started on a soggy note but us Canadians aren’t afraid of a little rain which didn’t deter thousands from attending a Canada Day celebration somewhere in the country. Our choice, as a family, this year was Mattamy Homes Canada Day in Barrhaven in our former hometown of Barrhaven, Ontario (a suburb of Ottawa).