After The Storm: Ottawa comes together for September’s Tornado victims

On September 21 around 4:00 in the afternoon. I was headed home from work, travelling along the Queensway in Ottawa on what seemed like a normal Friday, except for the fact that cooler morning temperatures had given way to sweltering hot humid temperatures and a threat of severe thunderstorms came along with the temperature change. […]
CUPE Presents – After The Storm

A RELIEF AND RECOVERY CONCERT featuring THE JIM CUDDY BAND Saturday November 10th, The Arena at TD Place 6-11PM
Grey Cup Festival – The Parties

We’ve told you about the incredible concert series slated for this year’s Grey Cup Festival in Ottawa but wait, there’s more. What’s a Grey Cup festival without parties? Well with 9 teams in the Canadian Football League from all across Canada it’s fitting that there’s a party for everyone.