Arkells Dominate K-Rock Centre Like Modern Day Pop Icons

Now I have to admit, while I like the Arkells, I never jumped on the buzz-worthy bandwagon that a lot of my peers seem to have. Arkells are solid. They bring energy to every show. They even get political sometimes, and their “Ode to the Whistleblower” is a pretty powerful tune. And much like Glorious […]


It looks like the fine folks in country music just keep giving this Christmas, as yet another Country superstar announces tour dates for the upcoming year. Brad Paisley is coming up to the Great White North in February 2017!

Coming up in spring 2015

To say that 2015 has started with a bang is a major understatement.  It took the independent Sound Check over a year to hit 100,000 readers and we hit 200,000 in just the first month and a half of 2015. Our top stories of Q1 2015 included breaking the news of Luke Bryan in Ottawa and […]

Talkin’ Sunshine & Whiskey with Frankie Ballard

Last summer I was sitting at a stop light as this brand new 2014 Red Mustang Convertible pulled up beside with the tunes cranked.  Having my own windows down the sound was oozing into my car and it was one hell of a catchy tune.  Being a big country music lover I was determined to […]