BJH goes to B&H (An Artist Review)

What a hot beautiful Friday… and the country music fans were ready for more after Niko Moon’s amazing kick off party Thursday night! It’s so good to be back and have it feel like we didn’t skip a beat-seeing the smiling faces of thousands of country music fans was enough to get me in the […]

Boots is back baby!

After a 2 year break, sort of, Boots and Hearts re-opened the gates on Thursday afternoon and thousands of country music fans flooded Burl’s Creek for the annual kick-off party.


In late March, Brian John Harwood (of Kansas Stone) teamed up with Dustin Bird to craft a single to be released in support of the Unison Benevolent Fund. They set out with the goal to write and release a feel-good track to bring fans and artists together through these challenging times.