Johnny Reid Storms Into Ontario…

So the frenzy of the What Loves All About Tour storms into Ontario this week with 13 shows over the next 18 days.   And with all the fantastic reviews from the West coast swing we know you won’t want to miss it.

Johnny Reid – Honey Honey

So this guy is about to hit Ontario with 14 dates from Thunder Bay to Windsor and we know you love your Johnny Reid.   Here is Johnny’s latest single Honey Honey to get you ready for the big shows coming our way! Corey Kelly  / @CoreyKelly76  

Day One of 2015 Manitoulin Country Fest

Day One of Manitoulin Country Fest is a wrap…perfect weather, a larger than ever crowd, great food vendors, and, oh yes what we came for, PHENOMENAL COUNTRY MUSIC!!!!! The one thing we don’t have is high speed internet connection in our motel. A photo journal by Anita Bell and our interview with Johnny Reid will […]