Harmoniafest returns for second annual all-female music festival

Canadian country artist Nicole Rayy is excited to announce that HarmoniaFest, the first ever all female Canadian country festival, will be returning for its second annual event on Saturday, September 11. This year HarmoniaFest teams up with Brooks Farms to bring you another talented female lineup including, Mackenzie Leigh Meyer, Jessie T, Jess and Tay, Jessica Sole, Paige Rutledge, Maddie Corinne and Nicole […]
Nicole Rayy announces new single “Broken Boys” and all female drive-in music festival Harmoniafest

Bringing a healthy dose of feminism into the country genre with her early 2020 powerhouse single “All Woman,” pop-country singer Nicole Rayy returns with her latest anthem, “Broken Boys,” set for release August 21. Following its digital release, the track will be available at Canadian country radio September 18.