Queens of the Stone Age expand their 2018 Villains Tour

On the tails of completing the most successful North American run of their storied career, Queens of the Stone Age have confirmed a second Stateside installment of the 2018 Villains World Tour. The new dates will begin with a March 21 and 22, 2018 two night stand in San Diego, and run through the end […]

A Punk Rock Dream Come True – Amnesia Rockfest 2017 Review

So I was sitting in the media lounge at Montebello’s Rockfest. The chalet was beautiful, the staff was welcoming, and the iced coffee had the perfect amount of pep and kick. I was charging my phone battery and preparing for a second day of incredible live music, when who should walk in to charge their […]

Canadian Music Week Must See Shows…

Over the last couple years I have been able to take in a few of the shows that happen during Canadian Music Week.   This year is no different.   We have plans to take in at least 8 or 9 of the shows happening over the 7 days in May (May 2-8) in various venues across […]