Simple Plan, The Plain White T’s and Set It Off finally make it to Toronto, ON and deliver an unforgettable performance!
The boys of Simple Plan, Plain White T’s and Set It Off were greeted by the cold and bitter weather Tuesday night as they finally made it to Toronto, ON. The long overdue rescheduled show didn’t seem to phase many of the fans who braced the cold weather to come rock out with their favorite pop rock French Canadians!
Due to rescheduling, Simple Plan brought different supporting acts for the Toronto show and they didn’t disappoint!

The night kicked off with Tampa, Florida native Set It Off. The pop rock band wasted no time getting the crowd revved up for the night as they kicked off their set with high energy. They also wasted no time with interacting with the crowd as their lead singer showed off his acrobatics by crowd surfing and jumping off the equipment.

The performance was met with a lot of praise as the crowd sang along with the bands bigger known hits like “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” and “Why Worry”. All in all, they gave a solid performance that left the crowd jumping and buzzing with anticipation for the next act, The Plain White T’s.

The crowd by this point had just grew louder as The Plain White T’s took to the stage. The Illinois natives have been around for twenty years now and their music is as solid now as the day they started. The crowd welcomed them with open arms as they sang through hit after hit. Much like Set It Off, The Plain White T’s commanded the crowd through their entire set and had them wound up and ready to go for Simple Plan.

The bands music and energy became their center point for a stellar performance that was hard to match. The harmonies they pull off are some of the best pop rock/punk vocals out there, they’re unbelievable. The real highlight of the set though, was an all acoustic performance by lead singer Tom Higgenson. The one song acoustic performance was none other than their number one billboard song “Hey There Delilah”, and believe it when we say, there wasn’t a single person in that arena who wasn’t singing along.

Simple Plan had finally made it back to Toronto, ON and it was worth the wait!
Due to vocal surgery, the band had postponed their Canadian dates from November to March. This gave their lead singer Pierre Bouvier time to rest and give us Canadian fans one hell of a show!
The crowd had been waiting all night (plus three and a half months) for Simple Plan to hit the stage, and boy did they ever. You couldn’t hear yourself as soon as the lights went down, as the crowd made their presence known. They were there for Simple Plan!

The band came out with as much force as the crowd did that night. They too were there to rock out with there fans and had been waiting a long time to do so. Not only did their performance shine that night, but Pierre’s vocals were soaring throughout the entire arena.

Their entire set felt like hit after hit after hit, as they captured the crowd and took them along for a wild ride through five platinum selling albums. Although they were promoting their latest album “Taking One for the Team”, they highlighted their set list with an amazing back catalog of their biggest hits including “I’d Do Anything”, “Welcome to My Life”, “Jet Leg” and “Shut Up!” Each song seemed like their first with the amount of energy they threw out into the crowd. It’s almost unbelievable how much energy the band possesses. It’s “simply” incredible. It radiates off them and just surges through the crowd with every song that is shared between them. One of the many highlights of their set had to be the performance of “Summer Paradise”. The crowd needed a reason to stay warm and get away and Simple Plan helped by giving the crowd a dozen beach balls to toss around.
The band showed their usual appreciation for the fans as they repeatedly thanked them throughout the night. Pierre even went through the crowd during their smash hit “Crazy” and mid way through the song, told the fans that they’re the reason all this has been ever possible for the band.

It’s been too long since we last saw Simple Plan play in Toronto, ON. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait this long for them to come back!
For everything Simple Plan, check out their official website by clicking the link below:
#WeLoveLive #TakingOneForTheTeam #Spotlight Toronto