by Tiffany Buszta

Scotty McCreery brought his A-game on Friday night to the Mystic Lake Showroom. A night of unforgettable vocals, high energy and an abundance of laughter, Scotty made sure he hit a show home run.

No longer a new kid fresh off the stage of American Idol, Scotty brings about a diverse crowd making you forget he’s 22. Scotty’s fan base is a clear indication of just how big the former American Idol star is. Fans of all ages — elderly to children – men and women — packed the Mystic Lake Showroom as their excitement and screams radiated throughout the venue.

Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos

Band in place and fan-girl screams becoming louder by the minute, Scotty got right to business as he entered the stage performing, “Now” from his “See You Tonight” album. Scotty immediately caught everyone’s attention as he danced and ran around the stage without missing a beat.

Not losing momentum, following his opener, McCreery took the crowd back to his 2011 album, “Clear as Day” performing “Watertower Town” as the crowd cheered, danced and sang along. Keeping the night in full swing, Scotty performed an original new song from his 4th upcoming album, “Whiplash” as the crowd screamed from excitement.

Following his opening set Scotty got personal with the crowd, acknowledging he started with only a dream to one day making it big. From a grocery store bagger to a country music singer, McCreery admitted it was the fans whom he had to thank. Now, this small-town-citizen turned country-music-superstar, had even bigger plans in 2016, including a new album and even a book entitled, “Go Big or Go Home.”

As the crowd was drawn in by McCreery’s deep voice and personal touch, Scotty got back to business. Performing his very first single, “I Love You This Big,” the crowd’s vocal backup echoed throughout the showroom. Continuing with his hit, “See You Tonight,” the crowd continued their vocal backup as they danced in their rows.

Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos

One of the most memorable parts of the night was when Scotty embraced his American Idol roots and talked about his experience on the show. Noting why he auditioned, aside from his love of singing and country music, Scotty acknowledged that it just happened to be the first year that Jennifer Lopez was a judge. “This was my chance” he expressed as the crowd erupted in laughter. Giving the outline of how his audition in Milwaukee, Wis. went, being one of 15,000 hopefuls, Scotty sang his audition song, “Just To Be Your Man” by Josh Turner. The audience screamed, clapped the beat, and sang as their voices carried throughout the showroom.

Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos

Working his charm, Scotty continued with his follow-up audition song, “The Way You Look Tonight” by Frank Sinatra as the females gazed on and saved their breath for the screams that followed.  Getting through to the second round, with the goal to meet Jennifer Lopez in mind, Scotty told the crowd the last step before he got to move on to meet her was that he had to sing the group song that everyone had learned – Lady Gaga. The crowd wasn’t going to let him continue his show until he showcased his Lady Gaga vocals. The audience screamed their request as McCreery sang a few seconds of the Gaga group song. Followed by screams and laughter, the crowd’s glee was palpable.

As the audience recovered from the uncontrollable laughter that was just had, Scotty jumped to his writing roots. Performing off his new album, what he says is probably his favorite song ever written, “Five More Minutes,” he left the crowd captivated by his presence and voice. Based on the audience’s reaction to this song, the upcoming album is sure to be a hit. Entertaining all of the various fans that he has, and proving that his voice is versatile for any genre, McCreery gave impressive performances of Roger Miller’s “King of the Road,” Merle Haggards, “Mama Tried”, and the classic Johnny Cash’s, “Folsom Prison Blues.”

Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos

As he disappeared off stage, the crowd anxiously waited for his next song. Surprising everyone, Scotty appeared in the back of the showroom singing, “Walk in the Country.” He took time and greeted his adoring fans in the aisle as he made his way back to the stage. McCreery kept the crowd on their feet and their energy high with impressive covers of Alan Jackson’s, “A Lot About Living (and a Lil’ About Love)” and Tim McGraw’s “I Like It, I Love It” as the crowd danced and sang each word without missing a beat.

Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Tiffany Buszta

McCreery, showcasing that his concerts are way more than just music, proved he also comes to party with everyone in attendance. He performed his hit “Feeling It”, which was the song that launched an over-sized beach ball game amongst the crowd. As multiple beach balls made their way across the main floor of the showroom, the entire crowd was definitely feelin’ it.

As the audience thought that was the final song of the night with McCreery’s stage exit, he came back and closed out the show with a memorable performance of “Something More.” Being the class act that he is, McCreery officially finished the night making his way to greet fans on both sides of the stage to say good-bye.

A born performer ready to rock any venue that he performs at, Scotty McCreery is the total country package. High energy, an infectious personality, genuine nature, a closet comedian and a voice that leaves you wanting more, McCreery’s show should be on everyone’s list of must-sees.

If McCreery’s current shows are any indication of the future, he will continue to make a big impression in country music.

Review Written by Tiffany Buszta / @TBuszta

IMAGES from Chad Johnson – @InActionPhotos

More Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino - Photo: InAction Photos
Scotty McCreery performs at Mystic Lake Casino – Photo: Chad Johnson – In Action Photos



0 Responses

  1. Scotty’s talent defies imagination. Never have I seen such talent in one so young unless it was Elvis. I predict that this fine wonderful young man will become a legend in his own time, for he is the best country artist to come along in this generation. He is not superstar, but he definitely is mega superstar. Garth, George Strait and Elvis have nothing on this precious young man, because God has blessed him with such goodness and talent, that I most certainly cannot explain. He is truly loved by his legion of McCreerians.

  2. McCreery is an amazing performer, great singer, and let’s face it – sexy as hell. Love these photos and concert review. He has grown up mighty, mighty, mighty fine….yum!

  3. Major hotness! Scotty is a great entertainer. Love his voice, love his talent, love his body. So happy to see all of these great photos of one of today’s most important country music singers.

  4. Scotty may be the most handsome man ive ever seen in real life. he sings so good as well.

  5. SCOTTY!!! Everyone needs some Scotty music in their life every day. love these pix!

  6. What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man! Have mercy, that man is hot!!!!!

  7. Great singer with wonderful songs. Talented man. I agree with those above that he’s gorgeous.

  8. McCreery puts on a great show. I was at this concert with my girlfriend. He OWNED the stage. That voice was awesome.

  9. I have been a Scotty fan since day one! Love to hear him sing. CAn’t wait for a new album from this talented man.