The 2018 CBC Music Festival, a full day of Canadian music, food and fun was held at Toronto’s RBC Echo Beach. This festival is about music, musicians and fans coming together to celebrate all things Canadian music.

Four stages with all-Canadian music and talent, a warm sunny spring day, large crowds of people dancing, singing and eating enjoying themselves all lead to lead to a phenomenal day with lasting memories.  CBC Music and Live Nation have once again combined forces to launch the festival season and this the 2018 CBC Music Festival at Toronto’s RBC Echo Beach bringing us that much closer to the fun hot sunny days of summer. This festival not only bring you some of the best names in Canadian music but also serves up delicious food and treats and for those thirsty, beverages. If you weren’t able to attend the show on May 26 don’t worry CBC will be broadcasting the event on July 1 Canada Day.

As people began piling into the festival grounds, the music kicked off getting the crowd excited setting the pace for the rest of the day’s performances. With all stages going throughout the day it was hard to capture everything that was happening. I had an absolute incredible time.  Here’s some of the music and talent I was able capture and enjoy.

July Talk performs at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette

July Talk was the perfect balance between of indie, catchy beats with two beautiful complementary vocals to headline this event. On the Main Stage, July Talk did what they do best and put on a show that had the crowd ecstatic from the first light to hit the stage to the last note sung.  These guys are superb representatives for Canadian Music. The build up of intensity during the songs playing off each other is a brilliant theatrical performance. With almost no effort they had the attention of the large crowd that had gathered around the entire length of the stage singing and was weaving along to the music. With the CN Tower in the background, the water off to the side of the stage and the rush I got from all these things brought together it was hard to walk away afterwards and head back to the hotel.  They met and exceeded every expectation I had set out of them.

July Talk performs at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette

Yukon Blond tool over the q-Stage with a high energy performance showing their legion of fans they know how to get things done and done right.  As the crowd continued to grow and the scream and singing got louder the energy just seemed to build and by the end of the show you needed to take a break. Yukon Blonde demonstrated a passionate performance with his voice dripping with emotion and fire, allowing the audience to feel the words and melodies. Their experience came out in their instruments and voice and held the audience during the ride. A very strong performance by everyone but those vocals – those vocal are brutally good.  Get these guys on your bucket list.

Yukon Blonde performs at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette
Yukon Blonde performs at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette

Newfoundlands own Fortunate Ones owned the q-Stage delighting a full crowd of excited fans with their own brand of folk/acoustic pop songs.  Having just released their latest album “Hold Fast” members Andrew O’Brien and Catherine Allen are thrilled to hit the road on tour in support of it – the CBS Music Festival being tour stop #1. The songs are well written and flow so gently and potent all at one.  A beautiful experience for the audience.

Before the show I had the opportunity to speak with Catherine and Andrew about the album and the tour. Sitting in the last row of the stage seats with the hot sun’s rays beating down on us, I found myself hanging onto every word they were saying about the album and the process.  They were so passionate and proud about it that it was contagious. I was so anxious to get to the performance to hear the new music that what was a 45 minute set felt like 15. They explained the inspiration behind the album was a culmination of the past three years – a snapshot in time.  The album was a very collaborate one taking their time to to get it right.  Working with such names as Alan Doyle (Great Big Sea), Meg Warren, and Tim Baker (Hey Rosetta) they couldn’t be happier with the outcome and can’t wait to hit the road and share it with their fans. Kicking off the album at this CBS Music Festival you can catch them on their coast to coast tour. You can get your tickets at

Fortunate Ones perform at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette
Fortunate Ones perform at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette
Fortunate Ones perform at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette

The Rural Alberta Advantage were a crowd favorite and that was very obvious with all the pushing to get to the front.  A passionate fan-base that has been maintained throughout their career as they continued to put out heart felt songs. There natural ability to perform in such high standards is no wonder the fan base has stuck with them.  I really liked the songs and distinct vocals – so natural appealing and you can feel the connection right away.  I have to admit I hadn’t kept up with their career to the extend I should have and now I’m looking forward to digging back into their catalog of music.

The Rural Alberta Advantage performs at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette
The Rural Alberta Advantage performs at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette

The Northern Touch All-Stars wasted no time hitting the stage with full force and giving the crowd that Canadian hip hop they are so gifted at doing.  If there was ever an example of a group that somehow still improves decades after entering the scene, it”s these guys with there groundbreaking iconic tunes that stand true to today.   There’s an emotional instantaneous connection once you feel the beat and music hit your ears and chest. After the dancing, fist pumping and singing was done the crowd needed to sit and recoup before the next show.  It you missed this, you missed allot. These guys gave everything they had and it was appreciated – we needed it.

The Northern All Stars perform at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette
The Northern All Stars perform at CBC Music Festival photo Rob Blanchette

This is the festival of festivals having something for everyone.  We need to thank everyone involved in making this day special and memorable. These events are so special and bringing together such incredible Canadian talent is no easy feat to accomplish.  Get out and support Canadian talent – be proud. 10/10.