It’s hard to believe we’re already heading into day 3 of RBC Bluesfest. As anticipation grew in Ottawa for Eric Church’s appearance on Friday night mother nature decided to toy with music fans a little bit. Right around the time the music would normally start at the festival grounds the sky grew dark and mother nature unleashed her furry with heavy rain, lightning and strong winds. Would this be it for the night or would she let up in time for the show to go on?

Yungblud fans at the RBC Ottawa Bluesfest. Photo: Renée Doiron

Earlier in the day country music fans got the disappointing news that rising Canadian country star, Colter Wall, had to cancel his appearance due to travel issues but then a short time later they were informed that Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit would play an extended set instead…that is until the Ottawa River Typhoon of 2019 struck. By 7pm, just over an hour after it all began, the clouds started to part and the sun broke through. The show will go on! Those that were lucky enough to get trapped inside the venue during the rain could’ve gone to checkout CMAO Award winner Gabrielle Goulet in the Barney Danson Theatre, unfortunately I was stuck on the wrong side of the gates so I didn’t make it for her performance but friends of mine who managed to catch it had only great things to say.

An hour of rain and intense thunderstorms didn’t do much for the intense heat and humidity we’ve been basking in for the last few days, if anything it got even warmer in the waning hours of the afternoon. But we promised not to complain about the heat once it arrived, the winter was bad enough.

Jason Isbell performs at the RBC Ottawa Bluesfest. Photo: Renée Doiron

I arrived at the gates around 7:30 along with a sizable slice of the million residents of Ottawa who were also coming out to party with the Chief. But, to my surprise, security kept things moving quickly and I was through the gates and into the festival grounds before I knew it.

Even an hour of rain and lightning didn’t affect the schedule much, Isbell simply went on at his regularly scheduled time slot and performed a full set. I honestly didn’t know but about Isbell, aside from his name, before RBC Bluesfest. I enjoyed his performance from afar as I took in some of the food options being offered at this year’s festival…btw has anyone tried the Taco Poutine yet? I love Tacos and I love Poutine just never thought of putting them together…mind you I also said that about steak in the past and we all know how that turned out.

Yungblud performs at the RBC Ottawa Bluesfest. Photo: Renée Doiron

While I was checking out food options the rest of my team was checking out YungBlud on the Videotron stage behind the War Museum. From all accounts this was the performance of the night and a large crowd gathered to take in his show. I’ll let Renee’s photos speak for themselves on this one!

The sun set, the threat of a second wallop from Mother Nature had passed and Church was about to begin. Friday’s performance was a short one for Eric who is more accustomed to performing 3 hours straight each night of his current Double Down Tour. He managed to condense his set list to include some of his biggest hits from “Desperate Man” all the way through to “Springsteen”.–YA5YYdsjV-WjgVMOet0RvgK5RoIFGjeVDkucCcyTglQK6s32I7ReYjBhvSqRpgTqjNurB2pliAUf-Ff_i_X2JqogJ1u2b8GbLzQmZMQW_YI5LJ60mIeeyVaF7jUtgPLyVJYqnAjfcAVO23xfioRC1VbOP-4dNNcsojVje0P54beKZc8U-mCSQyPilCTJS2yxmG3L3G1h9FQ4FiFhubSCSry_IBztxZiHw1xfksRHLhu7J7yw1GaEY28BU5dZ1HJwo_Xh5EKxZ_bQYwSWVYr0eqNxdy04ApexS4&__tn__=-R

The crowd that showed up for Eric Church could only be described in one word…massive. From the minute the gates re-opened to the minute his set started it was wave after wave of Church goers ready for their Friday night service and the gospel according to Eric Church. Someone asked me last night what the draw was for Eric Church? He doesn’t put on a spectacular show, there’s no fireworks or gimmicks, he’s not running all over the stage like other artists do…well that’s it. That’s the draw. When Eric Church stars to perform a hush falls over the crowd and the music takes over, mix the incredible backing vocals of the amazing Joanna Cotten and you have a combination that is electric. Even when you’ve never heard an Eric Church song before it’s funny how the melody sounds like a memory. Like the soundtrack to a July Saturday night…the music is real, it’s written about our own lives and our own experience…this is why we love the Chief and this is why thousands came to Ottawa on Friday night.

Rock returns to LeBreton Flats tonight as Taking Back Sunday and the Glorious Sons headline. Other notable acts include Rebecca Noelle, The Belles, Moscow Apartment and the Texas Horns.

For a full schedule of events and any last minute changes visit