Last night, the Place Bell in Laval hosted 3 generations of Metal bands.The relatively new band Bad Wolves launching the first salvo. The short but very effective set included, of course, their metallized version of the Cranberry song, Zombies. Most of the crowd was already there to raise their fists and headbang along the band.

Papa Roach rocking the Place Bell in Laval, photo by Nicolas Racine photographe

The second band, the now maskless Hollywood Undead, did not waste time addressing the elephant in the arena: Danny Murillo tested positive for COVID, so he had to miss a few shows. No matter, the band was cranked up to 11 and delivered a powerful set starting with CHAOS and California Dreaming. One very lucky member of the crowd was invited to replace Danny for one song, Comin’ in Hot. The band had a blast playing for the Laval audience, and said so multiple times.

The veteran of this tour came in last. Papa Roach, the pioneers of New Metal, came in all guns blazing, with Kill the Noise, Getting Away with Murder, and Between Angels and Insects. Jacoby was all smile, having fun interacting with the audience. He was visibly moved by the enthusiastic welcome the crowd gave the band. They played everything, from the biggest hits to a few deep cuts, and the audience followed the band everywhere it went, fist raised, jumping around and shouting every line of the lyrics. Like it or not, there is nothing like a packed arena rocking to a great band. A lot of people missed it badly during the last two years, including your truly. If the pandemic taught us something is to enjoy those moments to the fullest, bands and fans alike.

Papa Roach interacting with the audience at the Place Bell in Laval, photo by Nicolas Racine photographe
Masked, but happy, the fans came out in hordes to see Papa Roach in Laval – Photo by Nicolas Racine photographe
Papa Roach rocking the Place Bell in Laval, photo by Nicolas Racine photographe