When it comes to new artists we discovered at Boots and Hearts this year we’d be hard pressed to find a group more fun and energetic than Nice Horse.

Self described as Zac Brown Band in miniskirts; the Runaways at a hoedown; the Spice Girls on a whiskey bender. These four girls are having the time of their lives and they’re just getting started, even though when you talk to them you’d think they just came off of a headlining world tour. I think, for me anyway, one of the things that really stood about about Kaley Debra, Katie Marie, Brandi Caroline and Krista Lee, was their confidence.

If you’re wondering, like I was, how the band got their name “Nice Horse” I want you to picture Bo, Sam Elliott’s character from Netflix’s The Ranch, as Brandi’s dad. He’s a very old school, hard core rancher in Alberta and he had an appreciation for nice horses. Having since moved to Australia Brandi and Krista went for a visit and all he wanted to do was watch The Man from Snowy River. After a 13 hour flight Krista was nodding off on the couch when Brandi’s dad looked over at her and said “wakeup, look at that horse…that’s a nice horse!” So when they started the band it was a nod to him to call themselves Nice Horse.

The group has a quite the ride since they first broke out on the scene having signed a management deal with Coalition Music (Our Lady Peace, Tom Cochrane) and performed their first shows during JUNOfest and opening slots for the Kentucky Headhunters and Tom Cochrane.
Today marks the latest milestone in their career as they celebrate the release of their debut, full length, album aptly titled There Goes the Neighbourhood. If you’re looking for a fun album that is guaranteed to put an extra gallop in your step then this is one that will do just that. And if you want to have even more fun be sure to checkout Nice Horse the next time they come to a venue near you.
We asked everyone at Boots and Hearts one question: If you were going to the moon for a month and could only bring one album, what album would it be?
Each of the girls had their own favourite which included anything by Robert Plant, Michael Jackson’s Thriller, Lover Fighter Hawksley Workman, August and Everything After – The Counting Crows but collectively the four easily chose Cadillac Three’s album Legacy
You can find tour dates, social media info and more about Nice Horse by visiting them online at www.nicehorsemusic.com Catch Nice Horse this weekend in Saskatchewan as the CCMA’s are throwing them an album release party that will last all weekend and includes special guest performances by artists from some of Canada’s biggest stars and Blake Shelton.
Nice Horse was awesome enough to give us an exclusive performance of their smash hit single “Pony Up”, check it out below and don’t forget to pickup their album in stores and online today!