Two of Canada’s most successful and meaningful hard rock bands, I Mother Earth and Finger Eleven are teaming up for a cross Canada Tour in 2018

Edwin performs at TD Place with I Mother Earth – photo by Sean Sisk for Sound Check Entertainment

The idea came together from a simple comment that I Mother Earth Drummer Christian Tanna made on the Finger Eleven FB Page.  Finger 11 had just played a make-up show in their hometown of Burlington which almost got rained out again.  Christian posted. “Glad you got that show in fellas!, What say we all move this indoors now!?! See ya soon!”  This sparked comments and messages from fans that led to a video call from F11’s James Black to Jag Tanna of the Mothers to “hook it up” and “melt some faces”. Check the video here:

Finger Eleven performs at Mavericks in Ottawa photo Dave DiUbaldo

I Mother Earth is currently in the studio working on new music after reuniting with their original singer Edwin last year. Christian Jag and Edwin got back together in 2016 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their Multi platinum release “Scenery and Fish”. Coincidently Finger Eleven is in the same position, and find themselves making some new music with their original producer Arnold Lanni.

The two bands toured together across the country in their early days and have been friends ever since and this tour will have a really special feel. When you consider the number of combined hits from each band and combine it with their amazing live shows, this is a Cross Country run that will be full of heavy, melodic goodness.

Tour Dates (so far)


More dates are expected and we’ll update those as soon as they are official.  Tickets on sale Friday, February 16th, 2018 @ 10:00am Pre-sale tix available Thursday at 10am (Password: IMEXF11) visit either or for ticket details.