Saturday, September 14th there was an invasion at the House of Targ. Peterborough’s Mokomokai and CrossDog rolled into town to lay down some good old fashion heavy metal and punk rock and roll.

If you’re a fan of in your face heavy metal then the thunderous Mokomokai is right up your alley. The band has been steadily kicking some ass and cutting their teeth for the last 8 years. Big massive riffs are a staple and forefront for these guys. A solid rhythm section thanks to J.J. Tartaglia’s drums and Jeremy Pastic on bass. Screaming leads that penetrate your skull courtesy of the young shredder Bobby Deuce. And giant of a frontman John Ellis. Ellis’s voice sounds like a cross between an angel singing lullabies and the devil coming to take your soul. The boys are currently celebrating the release of their new video “World of Sorrow“. House of Targ put the video on the big screen for all to see before the band destroyed the place. The song is kick-ass and the band did a stellar job on the video. I highly advise you check these guys out live. And give the video a watch. You won’t be disappointed.
Hitting the stage after Mokomokai was another Peterborough band, Cross Dog. Cross Dog brings a much different approach when laying down their punk rock. There is no guitar, just bass, drums, and vocals. Mark Rand plays the bass like its a guitar. The tone he gets out of his gear is one of the gnarliest gut-busting tones I have ever heard. If you were to close your eyes while they’re playing, you wouldn’t notice there’s no guitar at all. With Mikey Reid slaying the drums the two together pack a one-two punch that will literally rip your throat out and make you lose your bowels uncontrollably. Lead singer Tracey Ashenden holds her own court on stage with a fierceness that rivals that of any of the mainstream bands that are out there today. Her vocals have power and her screams are like a banshee grabbing you by the groin and making you shake in your boots. Strictly speaking, Cross Dog are all things Punk and then some. The band will literally kick your ass and have you begging for more. Currently, they are celebrating the release of their new album ‘Hollow’ released on Uncle Records. Do your self a favor and purchase a copy today.

Locals Black Galaxy started the night off. Keep an eye out for these guys as they are steadily climbing the ranks with their own style of heavy metal and rock n roll. Jimmy King’s vocals give the band a cosmic like fear of doom, Dave Nado’s guitar riffs are heavy and grunge-like with Zakk Wyldesque leads. Bassist Mark Sudiacal keeps things sharp and solid while Drummer Josh Roy captivates the beat and at times leads the charge. Currently getting play on local radio with their track “Death Monster” I see only good things coming from the Black Galaxy camp in the near future.