When I heard that L7 was making a stop in Columbus, Ohio on their Scatter The Rats Tour, I jumped at the chance to finally see them, having missed my opportunity in the 90’s. While they are described as an early grunge band, they are most definitely punk rockers but also influential in the riot grrrl scene. I couldn’t wait to watch them in action on the Express Live! Stage.

I also was curious about the opening act Le Butcherettes, a garage punk band originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico that formed in 2007.

Le Butcherettes photo by O'Rock Photos
Le Butcherettes at Express Live! Columbus, OH photo by O’Rock Photos

I didn’t have to wait long before lead vocalist Teri Gender Bender took command of the stage, captivating the crowd with her intensity and undeniable stage presence. Drummer Alejandra Robles Luna also captured my attention as she pummeled her kit at such a pace that all I could see was a whirlwind of hair and drumsticks flying around!

Le Butcherettes photo by O'Rock Photos
Le Butcherettes at Express Live! Columbus, OH photo by O’Rock Photos

The band treated the audience to cuts from their most recent release bi/MENTAL. We were all getting really fired up, enjoying the show and then they were gone! What? Their set seemed really short, leaving me wanting more.

I was wondering what L7 might open the show with while the stage crew began pulling off Le Butcherettes gear. The usual rock tunes blared from the speakers, one after another. Then I hear keyboards and a woman speaking in Spanish? Wait…I know this song! Then it hits me – it’s the intro to Prince’s “Pussy Control.”  At that moment, L7’s Donita Sparks (vocals), Suzi Gardner (guitar), Demetra Plakas (drums) all strut onto the stage. The best part was watching bassist Jennifer Finch bust a move, lip syncing to the song!

L7 photo by O'Rock photos
L7 at Express Live! Columbus, OH photo by O’Rock photos

Then immediately BOOM! They launched headfirst in Deathwish! The crowd started bouncing and fist pumping, shouting “He’s got a DEATH WISH!” And we’re off!

L7 photo by O'Rock photos
L7 at Express Live! Columbus, OH photo by O’Rock photos

It was easy to see L7 had not lost any of their intensity and badassery as they plowed through a set of full of classics mostly from from Bricks Are Heavy, Hungry for Stink, Smell The Magic and of course their newest release in Scatter The Rats – their first studio LP in 20 years. Scatter The Rats is on Joan Jett’s label Blackheart Records and features the single “Burn Baby” in all it’s grunge-riff glory and my favorite ”Stadium West.” Between the two songs, the crowd really got ramped up with “Stadium West” with it’s catchy chorus and fast clapping. It’s one of those memorable tunes that begs crowd participation and the band certainly got it. It’s also a damn fine song to blast on repeat while speeding down the highway!

L7 at Express Live! Columbus, OH photo by O’Rock photos

Midway through the blazing power-chord heavy set Donita taunted the crowd with a request, “We want sexual favors from all of you!” Then she paused as the crowd reacted. “It’s hard to be a predatory band these days. Too many rules!” she said sarcastically. Of course this is a band that plays by nobody’s rules except their own – no f***s given!

L7 photo by O'Rock photos
L7 at Express Live! Columbus, OH photo by O’Rock photos

A little over an hour in, with the crowd pumped up, L7 blazed into “Shitlist” then left the stage only to return for several more favorites for their encore, including the hit “Pretend We’re Dead.” The lights went up and a dozen or so fans lingered in front of the stage in order to request set list souvenirs from the security pit crew. The line at the merch table began to get really long as I made my way through it to the exit. It was a great night and a solid performance for L7. Don’t miss them if they are coming to a show near you!

Presented by PromoWest Productions, be sure to visit L7 online for tour dates and more.

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