The KrashKarma Summer Storm Tour blew through The King of Clubs on August 6th in Columbus, Ohio.  With the live music world coming back to life, KrashKarma has hit the ground running with a summer tour and a limited edition EP titled STORM. The EP includes the newly released single “Summer Storm” and others they recorded during lockdown that were only released digitally. 

KrashKarma is Niki Skistimas (vocals, drums) and Ralf Dietel (vocals, guitars). They draw their inspiration from generations of hard rock, heavy metal, industrial and alternative music.  Their commanding sound is driven by Ralf’s unique prototype “Mr. Frankenstein” guitar/ bass creation and his aggressive vocals.  Combined with Niki’s melodic voice and heavy beats, they deliver a sound that doesn’t seem to fit into any pre-existing genres. Reduced to the maximum, no two piece band has ever sounded so massive.   

With tremendous stage presence and intense energy, this hard rocking Los Angeles duo is a must see performance, giving their all at every show.  From starting the show by marching through the crowd with a megaphone and snare, to gracefully climbing over the drum kit and banging a cymbal, it is a fantastic display of talent throughout.

KrashKarma performing at The King of Clubs in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by: Dragonhawk Photography

The powerful Californian duo is conquering the scene of heavy music worldwide with over 600 international shows and over 2 Million views on their YouTube channel.  Rising through the ranks and establishing themselves as one of the hottest rock acts, KrashKarma has been recognized as being the “Best independent Touring Band” by Rock City News.

KrashKarma performing at The King of Clubs in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by: Dragonhawk Photography

KrashKarma was set to have their biggest year yet in 2020, with a new CD release and back to back U.S. and European tours.  Clearly, the world had other plans and the lockdown ensued.  Always ones to turn a negative into a positive, they used the time as wisely as they could by turning their garage into a production/recording studio.  “We had to stay creative and busy to keep our sanity”, says Ralf.  They recorded and released new songs along with videos that they shot and edited themselves throughout the pandemic.   “It was really nice to get into a workflow without the constant pressure of having to leave for tour or finish a record for a deadline.  This was the first time in years that we were just able to be home and be creative.  I didn’t know I was missing that in my life.” Said Niki.   A couple fun videos even include the incredibly talented art of playing guitar and drums while skateboarding. 

KrashKarma performing at The King of Clubs in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by: Dragonhawk Photography

After the summer storm blows over, they will be back in the studio to finish a brand new album of tracks Ralf describes as the best music the duo has written yet.  “2022 will be a big one for us”, he says.  The Summer Storm Tour continues with September dates in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin, followed by Colorado in November.  Stay tuned in by following them on your favorite social media platforms.   


Other bands performing were the Ohioans Letters of Transit, Desalitt, and Bass Illusion.

Letters of Transit performing at The King of Clubs in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by: Dragonhawk Photography
Desalitt performing at The King of Clubs in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by: Dragonhawk Photography
Bass Illusion performing at The King of Clubs in Columbus, Ohio. Photo by: Dragonhawk Photography


By Dragonhawk Photography