When KISS comes to town it’s much more than a concert, it’s an experience. Last night at Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa thousands of fans complete with makeup and KISS gear crowded into the stands with anticipation that the show they were about to witness could be the last ever, and most explosive KISS show they’ll ever experience…and, at least for the later part, they were right!

KISS performs at the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa. Photo: Renée Doiron

Although late to join the KISS Army my first time experiencing KISS live was at their last appearance in Ottawa at RBC Bluesfest 10 years ago this year, about a year before this publication was born. Having called myself a fan for a number of years before that the performance, the spectacle was everything a rock fan would expect out of a KISS performance. When they announced their ‘End of the Road’ World Tour a few months ago I could only dream of my publication getting approved to cover KISS one last time, I figured our odds should be pretty good after all one of the photos from a previous KISS show, we covered at Casino Rama, found it’s way onto a drum magazine cover in France (with KISS’ blessing, of course). But if I’ve learned one thing in this business it’s that nothing is ever a sure thing. Thankfully we didn’t have to bite our nails in anticipation for long as notification came shortly after noon that we had been approved to cover the show.

I arrived on site fairly early considering doors weren’t scheduled to open for another 15 minutes but found full parking lots and KISS fans, of all ages, lined up as far as the eye could see all waiting to get to their seats and get close to the energy of a band who’s debut performance in Ottawa was at the Civic Centre in 1976, for those who don’t like math that’s 42 years ago! Even early in the evening the energy was electric, the stage simply displaying a curtain with KISS written on it in large letters.

KISS performs at the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa. Photo: Renée Doiron

The lights dimmed and video of the band making their way up to the stage appeared on screens on each side of the stage until, aside from a few spotlights, darkness fell on the Canadian Tire Centre. Then out of the darkness Gene Simmons’ booming voice broke the silence “Ottawa!!! You wanted the best, you got the best. The hottest band in the world! KISS!” With that introduction the stage exploded, what sounded like a rocket screeched from one end of the arena to the other before exploding above the stage. To be honest it still gives me goosebumps now when I look back at the video I shot on my phone.

KISS performs at the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa. Photo: Renée Doiron

Kicking things off with “Detroit Rock City” and flying through all of their biggest hits including “Shout it Out Loud”, “Deuce”, “Lick It Up”, “God of Thunder”, “Love Gun” and “I Was Made for Loving You”. Throughout the show the band spent time on the stage, flying above the stage on platforms, at one point Paul Stanley even flew over the crowd to a second stage setup at the back of the arena and then back again after a couple of songs. Of course through it all was plenty of fire, fireworks, explosions and anything else they could toss into the mix to add to the excitement.

The encore started with Eric Singer center stage seated at a grand piano. His performance of “Beth” was such a beautiful, yet stark, contrast to the rest of the show. No pyro, no special effects just a man, all be it wearing a costume with a painted face, sitting at a piano making music. As the song neared it’s end I would not have been surprised had the sound of a needle scraping across an record were to screech over the sound system and we were returned to the explosive show we had experienced up to this point, rather Gene, Paul and Tommy simply walked out on to the stage and joined Eric. The show continued with “Do You Love Me” and the grand finale, which had Gene and Paul hoisted high above the crowd, “Rock and Roll All Night” which included more pyro, more fireworks, confetti, streamers and giant KISS balls that were dropped from the cat walk above the arena.

KISS performs at the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa. Photo: Renée Doiron

Before the band left the stage, one last time in Ottawa, Paul Stanley asked “Did you have a good time? Did you get what you came for? OTTAWA we love YOU, GOOD NIGHT”

We got what we came for and more Paul, no doubt it was a night to remember. If you didn’t make it out to the show last night and live in Ontario or Quebec KISS will return in August for two more Canadian dates in Montreal (August 16) and Toronto (August 17). The tour, as it stands right now, wraps up December 3 in Auckland, NZ. For full tour dates and tickets visit www.kissonline.com

Will this be the last time we see KISS LIVE, or will the stage come calling for them one more time? Let us know in the comments!


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