148 years ago today one of the greatest nations in the world was born, Canada.  On this special day we’d like to salute our home and native land and highlight just some of the reasons that make us proud to be Canadian!

10. We can enjoy festivals year round, even in the middle of the winter!  If you’ve never been to Ottawa’s Winterlude or Carnival in Quebec City you are missing out on two of the most incredible events made out of ice! (Hendrik)

Sea Horse Ottawa Winterlude 2013
Sea Horse Ottawa Winterlude 2013

9. Universal Heath Care (Sean)

Canadian Health Care
Canadian Health Care

8. Freedom (thanks to our brave men and women in uniform) (Sophie, Hendrik)

Canadian Forces
Canadian Forces

7. Our international reputation (Trish and Hendrik)


6. Our Amazing landscape and vertical mosaic (Corey)

Waterfall at Kap-Kig-iwan in Englehart, Ontario - photo by Hendrik Pape
Waterfall at Kap-Kig-iwan in Englehart, Ontario – photo by Hendrik Pape

5. Canadian Beer (Hendrik)

4. Hockey (The Team)

2013 IIHF Women's World Championships Team Canada
2013 IIHF Women’s World Championships Team Canada

3. Poutine & Maple Syrup – it’s a tie! (The Team)

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Canadian Maple Syrup
Canadian Maple Syrup


2. Canadian Girls (Sean, Corey, Hendrik)

1. Canadian Music (The Team)


Happy Canada Day everyone.  It’s going to be a busy July so get ready to party!  Ottawa Bluesfest starts next week, Capital Country Fest @ Spencerville Stampede in 3 weeks!