So this week I had the chance to head down the QEW to Niagara Falls to hang with Tim Hicks in his Stompin Ground. We took to the mound at Oakes Park to chat about his current album Shake Theses Walls. This wasn’t a quick 5 min interview either. This one is close to 18 min long so we split it into two parts. We also had some camera issues (the joys of doing something like this solo) So part one only has the one vantage point but Tim was unbelievably cool and didn’t want to leave any of it out. ALSO TO NOTE… We will also have a contest that you won’t want to miss after we post Part 2 next week.
Be sure to check back early next week for Part 2 and a BIG Tim Hicks Tour announcement!
Corey Kelly / @CoreyKelly76
Awesome interview with Tim Hicks. I think he is a great, down to earth guy and is so good to his fans. He works so hard to make his music sound so good. Positive feedback is what he would here. The CD sounds so awesome, great tunes. Great party songs. Cannot pick a favourite.
Keep chasing that dream Tim, you are going after a dream and deserve every minute of it.