Granger Smith hit the Nashville North stage as part of the Calgary Stampede. He brought along alter ego Earl Dibbles Jr. for this last Canadian stop on his tour … judging by the crowd reaction to the show, he’s going to have to come back SOON!
Lots of high 5s and flinging guitar pics for the crowd, by Granger and his guitar players. It’s a good thing the stage barricade is so close (and they made sure to take advantage!) because most other places there’s no way to reach out!

He also made sure t hop down into the pit a few times for that extra up close and personal connection to the crowd … and the video guy so it could be projected onto the big screens on either side of the stage.

While Calgary and the Stampede grounds were under a “severe thunderstorm warning” for the 2nd day in a row outside, inside the Nashville North tent you were pretty much guaranteed a “chance of showers” if you were within 20 feet of the stage.

Just went people though the show was about to wrap up, Earl made an appearance, played on his custom guitar, filled his mouth with some chew (throwing the rest out in to the crowd).

There was a debate initiated over not only which side of the stage but which side of the COUNTRY was louder and a bigger country fan … Toronto may have won the NBA title but they’re likely getting stomped on my the Stampede crowd, especially in Nashville North!

… and no offence to Granger Smith in any way, but I think Earl Dibbles Jr. may have stole the show there at the end! Yee Yee!