Jade Eagleson should be a familiar name to Canadian country fans by now, after-all he’s toured Canada several times in the last 2 years. It all started for Jade back in 2017 when he was, a finalist and ultimately selected as, the winner of the Boots and Hearts Emerging Artist competition and performed on the main-stage in front of thousands of screaming country music fans.

This year Jade is facing off with 7 of his peers once again, this time he’s hoping to win the title of SiriusXM’s Top of the Country 2019. We caught up with Jade by email this week to get his thoughts on the last several years as well as some answers to questions you’ll only hear here.
SCE: Jade back in 2017, at 23, you won the Boots and Hearts Emerging Artist competition. Since then you’ve released 2 singles, an EP, have toured across Canada a couple of times now and this summer your name is turning up in festival lineups across Canada. How is life different for you today as a 25-year-old than it was for you just a few years ago as a 22-year-old?
Jade: Life is amazing! I’m very blessed to be able to wake up every day knowing I get to do something I love. It feels like every time I do something music related there’s a major purpose behind it which is helping build my career. Playing music has always been my greatest passion and dream but with the amazing team and support group I have, I feel anything is possible.
SCE: You’re lucky enough to have worked with some of the top people in the business since your big break in 2017 but tell us a little bit about what got you to this point. What lured a young Ontario farm boy from the fields to playing music, ultimately on some of the biggest stages in the country?
Jade: I’ve always had a passion for creating and playing music live. Growing up on the farm, with a musical family, I was always surrounded by country music and the lifestyle which molded me into the musician and guy I am today! I just knew it was what I was called to do.
SCE: If you could own any make, model or style of vehicle what would you own?
Jade: I’m in love with the F150 Cobra, a video popped up on YouTube last week and I’ve been dreaming of the truck ever since.
SCE: Your ideal brain food?
Jade: I love popcorn. Light yet satisfying.
SCE: If you could see any artist in concert, who would you see (living or dead)?
Jade: I’d want to go and see George Jones or Hank Sr!
SCE: iPhone, Android or Pixel?
Jade: I’ve got an iPhone!
SCE: What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Jade: You reap what you sow.
SCE: Stress management: hit man, spa vacation or Prozac?
Jade: I normally just try and workout, but I definitely wouldn’t say no to a day at the spa
SCE: If you were to pick a character in the massively popular series Game of Thrones (which we know you watch) that is most like you who would you pick, and why?
Jade: That’s a good question, I’d go with Jon Snow. He’s a badass and a good dude.

SCE: Multiple Part Question: Star Trek or Star Wars? If Star Trek pick from the following (Original Series, TNG, Deep Space Nine, Voyageur, Enterprise, Discovery or all of them I’m a Trekkie). If Star Wars pick from the following (Original Trilogy, Second Trilogy (aka Episodes I-III), Third Trilogy, Spin offs, or all of them I love Star Wars and I’ll watch it as long as it has the words Star Wars on it)
Jade: I’m in love with Star Wars, my favorite has to be ‘Revenge of the Sith’. It’s so dark and just really brings the series together in a really emotional and powerful way.
SCE: In “Jade Eagleson, Story of My Life” – The Movie, who would play you?
Jade: I’m hoping Brad Pitt? I mean we both have that square jaw lol
SCE: Your career is still in its early stages what’s been the highlight so far?
Jade: I love watching the fan base grow, it’s so amazing to see people jumping on board with what we’re doing. The support is unreal!
SCE: Many artists we’ve worked with have crazy pre-show traditions or superstitions that they must partake in before they’ll set foot on the stage. What is a must for you before every show?
Jade: I’ve tried everything from the chant my high school football team used to do, all the way to naps. I’m still trying to figure out what my pre-show ritual is. I’ll find one that works eventually.
SCE: You’ve already won over the fans once by winning the Emerging Artist Competition at Boots and Hearts, take a moment and tell country fans why they should give you this title too?
Jade: Every competition has its own benefits, each bringing new fans and exposure to the table which every artist needs as if it weren’t for the fans, there would know career. Touring is also very expensive and as much as I love it, I can’t always afford it at this stage in my career. I’d use the money to start purchasing my own equipment in an effort to perfect my live set.
SCE: When the dust clears on Top of The Country and festival season what’s next for Jade Eagleson?
Jade: After the dust settles, my plan is to write and record as much as possible. That needs to be my focus on the off season.

Jade will be busy this summer with shows and festivals scheduled throughout the summer across Canada including a stop in Quebec at Festival Country de Lotbinière, we hope to catch up with him there for a more formal interview. Other dates include appearances at Rock the Park, the Key to Bala, and the Big Valley Jamboree. For a full list of dates and more information on Jade be sure to visit his website www.jadeeagleson.com! Do yourself a favour and if you see Jade on a lineup near your town go check him out and say hello, support our emerging artists they are the stars of tomorrow and at the rate Jade is going he may very well be a star TOMORROW!
Remember if you want to support Jade and help him become Top of the Country you have to vote. It’s getting close to the end but there are still two days of voting left so head to topcountry.siriusxm.ca RIGHT NOW and make your votes count. We wish Jade the best of luck in the competition and look forward to catching up with him later this summer.