As the news continues to breaks with Covid 19, so many things are coming to an immediate stop, including our music industry.
As a media outlet, a supporter of artists and live music and mostly a writer/reviewer for shows, I want to touch on something that I myself believe is very important to recognize. The music industry has always been the industry that we all turn to in times of need. Wether it be the recent events and fires in Australia, the Tornado that touched down and destroyed some of Nashville, or we go back to the devastation of SARS, Artist and the music industry are always there to jump in. As all these Covid-19 events are unfolding across our globe, the world has seen the music industry come to a complete stop.

Now, I need to be clear that I only address the music industry because it is what I feel I relate to and know best. This is a time worldwide our artist, our music industry and the people who completely live and support their family’s from entertaining are out of work. This week as the news continued to break, the plug has been pulled on tours, festivals and live music happening at venues everywhere. Artists are currently on tour and ready to perform across the pond far from home and in venues worldwide. Taking the famous status away from all this, they are everyday people like us. The artists and entertaiment jobs depend on venues and shows to be able to make a living. Those festivals and shows we attend throughout the year are what feed their family’s.

Watching the music industry world wide stop has put some things in perspective. No matter who you are, what nationality you are or what music is best suited for you, music is the source that helps bring everyone back together. Relief and benefit concerts are happening country to country and have become a little more common over the past decade. In years past, the world seems to be facing on some level, some sort of crisis every couple years. From multiple global warming disasters to mass shootings, Musicians big or small, new or old are always there to help fill the empty feeling. They help rejuvenate love and punch through the issue to bring back belief that everything will work out. They are most of the time putting their own family aside, coming to the aid and and answering the call. The music industry is the industry that has always been involved and continues to be involved when it comes to helping people mend their hearts.
This stoppage in the music industry is far larger when you dive in. We as people don’t really see the artists are not the only people affected. There is crew, production people, promoters, drivers and the list goes on. The true impact something of this scale could have on the industry alone far exceeds what most people realize. The venues and promoters rely on funds from the shows and festivals. The local economy surrounding these events, restaurants and businesses rely on that source of income and likely plan finances and growth around these events months or sometimes years in advance. we are just at the start of this and it has already had such a substantial impact world wide.

When music is being played, it brings us together. We gather at venues, In groups, as friends and lovers of entertainment. For us, it’s an experience we get as fans. Different concerts with different artist and who we love and choose to see. For an artist, it’s every other night. It’s a performance and a career. It’s their job and it’s how they make ends meet when they go home to their family’s. With this happening world wide, it’s something that everyone is going to feel in every industry. From Sports cancelling the remainder of the seasons to doctors and nurses working overtime and putting in hours that we couldn’t imagine. Schools being shut down and nursing homes being put on lockdown. Together, the world is experiencing something that is already changing the map of 2020. Wether your a fan of Rock and Roll or Country, Hockey, Basketball or Stand Up Comedy, we are all in this together. Tonight, I ask you to keep these people in your thoughts that truly have had their lives put on hold. Some Of them not allowed to get home due to the fact they are out traveling as they were out to perform. They are out there giving the entertainment that provides us with soundtracks to our everyday lives. The Artists are just some of the people that could really feel the effects from this COVID-19.

As a writer, I ask that you remember to keep them in your thoughts along with everyone else. When there truly is nothing they’d rather be doing than performing for us, the fact is careers and jobs have been shut down. Take time to join their social pages. Download Music and share it. Share with people who may not be aware of that great song you came across. When this all passes, and the music industry is called upon, the people of music and the people you love will be there to answer the call. The benefit concerts, the relief gatherings and the fundraisers for communities across the world. Artists will join together to pull us all back through their music.
These are my own views and personal feelings over the past week,
Keep safe, reach out to your neighbours and check on your loved ones………And wash your hands!!!
Very well wriTten Jr. I agree with you on all levels and hope that Covid 19 will diminish soon so we can all get back to our lives. It is taking it’s toll on the way we all live and as a music fan always look forward to concerts during the summer to fill my life with happiness. It is terrible for the music industry and anyone connected to those groups that rely on gigs to make a living. I feel for all of us and thanks for the write up on this virus that has effected our globe worldwide.