One of the best live bands in Ontario, 2019 CMAO “Music Video of The Year” nominees, and 2-Time Country Wild performers Kansas Stone join the 2019 Country Wild VIP Kick Off Party!!
Having garnered industry respect and building a loyal and strong following, Kansas Stone is primed for a breakout 2019. Having recently been nominated for “Music Video of the Year” at the upcoming Country Music Association of Ontario Awards, they are hitting their stride at the perfect time.

“Brian & Matty are the two guys that live, breathe & best exemplify the Country Wild lifestyle. We are excited to have Kansas Stone back this year & they will be the perfect start to our most talented Country Wild Weekend yet.” Matt Williams – Entertainment Director
We were first introduced to Kansas Stone at Country Wild 2 years ago and we knew then that these guys were something special. In our review last year we pointed out that if the fans got their way Brian and Matt would be back for the third straight year in 2019…well guess what? They’re back and this year they coming back armed with a CMAO Award nomination. Catch them July 19 live at Victoria Park in Cobourg.
If you were still waiting for a reason to buy your VIP tickets this is it! But don’t wait too much longer because there are limited numbers available and once they’re gone so are your chances at catching Kansas Stone. Check them out here:
Tickets are on sale now at