Over the last couple weeks I have seen a few top 10/20/25 songs of 2015 running around my Facebook / Twitter Pages.  I thought to myself,  I have listened to a boat load of music this year and should give you my top 21 Country Songs of 2015.   So here it is.  Oh… and please don’t be shy.  Follow us on Twitter & Facebook! And leave a comment below on what your top 3 songs of 2015 would be.   #BuckleUp..

21.  Kip Moore – Comeback Kid

After seeing Kip this past fall this song really stood out in his set Live.  He had the crowd in silence and really hanging on each lyric.  And it is so well written.   Kip’s delivery Live is even better than the album.  This video is how this song should be heard…

20.  Real Men Love Jesus – Michael Ray

So,  I hadn’t heard a whole lot about Michael Ray until late this year.  I had someone from Nashville send me a song that I was sure to love.   Well they were correct.  Real Men Love Jesus is one of those songs that you can truly feel the lyrics rather than just hear them.   I had a chance to sit down and chat with Michael when he was in London, Ontario on the Wild Ones tour with Kip Moore.   We had him cut this one for our Mason Jar Sessions.

19.   Kiss Me Quiet – Jess Moskaluke

Over the last couple years I have watched Jess really turn the page in her music career.  It was earlier in December when I witnessed a woman commanding a packed house but when she sang this one it really just has kick and such a catchy chorus.   Jess really delivers on this one.

18.  Die A Happy Man – Thomas Rhett

How good is this tune… Seriously it is so damn good.  TR really hit it out the park with Die A Happy Man.   I can recall listening to Tangled Up for the first time and 2 maybe 3 songs really standing out.   This one wins out as my favourite track off Tangled Up indeed.

17.  Love This Life – LoCash

So last January I had a chance to chat with these two and shortly after that conversation Preston sent me a copy of this song and said it would be going to radio in the coming weeks and was interested in what I thought.  My response… LOVE IT..  Ya I know I love everything.  But from the first time I heard it I knew it was going to be a hit so happy to finally hear the boys getting played up here in Canada now.

16.  This Man – Cory Marquardt

Well this one is a bit of a surprise.   Cory is one hell of a singer along with one hell of a guy to boot.   Cory has a unique sound and the delivery of this one is just so on point.   If you haven’t seen this guy live I have to say it is a must.   I know this one didn’t see a lot of commercial success but it is one hell of a song.  Crank it up!

15.  Buy Me A Boat – Chris Janson

Simply put this song has you singing along by the 2nd chorus.    With some of my favourite lyrics of the year “It can buy me a Yeti 110 Ice down with some Silver Bullets”  I hate Coors (More of a Steam Whistle Fan Myself) but love how the lyrics ring through on this one.   Well done Mr. Jansen now get your ass North to Canada so we can hear it live.

14. Grown Up Things – Jessica Mitchell

This one is one that really speaks to the soul.   This girl knows how to write a song.  So well written and with that slightly raspy vocal it just rocks.   And I have to admit hearing her sing it LIVE with just an acoustic is how this one should be heard.   If you want to hear that version check out Jessica’s Mason Jar Session.

13.  Jealous Of The Sun – Tebey

From the first strike of the guitar this song rocks.  Tebey has stepped it up HUGE this time around.  Perfect production and just a rockin’ sound it was a must on the Top 20 of 2015…

12.  Stay A Little Longer – Brothers Osborne

Seeing these guys open for Darius Rucker early this summer really had me wishing they had more Ontario dates.   I love how this one sounds and to be honest how these boys sound live is better than the recording.  And that’s why I love Country Music so much.  Great artists with so much talent.   Stay A Little Longer is a solid entry into the Top 20.

11. Map Dot Town – Erik Dylan

Eric released this song via a YouTube vide in 2014 but wasn’t officially released until early 2015.   This guy knows how to tell a story.  Map Dot Town just makes me think about growing up in a small town in the Eastern Ontario region.    And always wanting to get out of that town.  Funny cause today I wish I was raising my own kids in that small town where you can walk out and not lock that front door when you go to grab milk.   Love that Map Dot Town.


10. Cheap Seats – Dallas Smith

Having seen Dallas a couple of times in 2015 I would have to say Cheap Seats was the one song that really stuck out at every performance and was the stand out to me on the Lifted album.  I can remember sitting across from Dallas at Boots and Hearts this past summer and talking about Cheap Seats and he just loves how it is received at the live show.  Cheap Seats cracks my top 10 of 2015.

9. Kill A Word – Eric Church

When Eric Church released his “Surprise” Mr. Missunderstood album I have to admit I was like a kid at Christmas.  Eric is one of my top 3 artists and I was so excited to hear the new stuff.   Kill A Word just made me remember how great Eric can deliver a lyric.   Cheers to Kill A Word.

8.  Eric Paslay – She Don’t Love You

When you reach the top 10 of a list you know that these are usually some really amazing songs.  Eric Paslay has written some magic with She Don’t Love You.  Eric has delivered some pretty solid lyrics for Country Music listeners over the last 4 or 5 years but this may just be his best yet.

7.  Underdog – Tim Hicks

No surprise here…. Tim Hicks delivered in 2015.  With 4 new cuts added to 5:01 for his current release it was Underdog that really stood out of the 4 new songs. It really grabbed ya and had you wanting to “Shock The World”.  Again having seen the Get A Little Crazy tour a couple of times, I can tell you that this was hands down one of the fans favourites from the night.

6.  Confession – Florida Georgia Line

This one should have been the first single off Anything Goes.   Hands down best song on the album.   I remember the first time running through the album and picking this one out almost from the moment Tyler sings “Rusted barbwire lines these fields” I knew this one was going to be good.  But when they cut into the Chorus and how it rocks out… Should be the boys next #1….

5.  Hearts On Fire – Chad Brownlee

Yup, top spot for a Canadian on the list.  Chad Brownlee’s current single Hearts On Fire hits it out of the park.    Being a fairly new release to country radio I battled putting it in the top 5 but man this could be Chad’s best yet.   Loving Chad’s delivery / arrangement on this one.  #CrankItUp

4. The Driver – Charles Kelley

I heard this a couple of weeks after it was released to radio,  I had heard that Charles Kelley of Lady Antebellum had done a solo project but wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.   WOW… Did he pick a hell of a song to release as his first single.  The Driver easily made my top 5.  Now just get your ass North Charles for some shows.

3. White Lighting – Cadillac Three

Jaren Johnston could likely sing the phone book and it would likely make my top ten.   But White Lightning is the boys 1st single off the new album to be released in early 2016.   And I LOVE THIS SONG.   Top 3 worthy no doubt in my mind.   Not getting any radio play North of the border sucks but seriously these boys have some wicked as talent.  And 2016 is going to be epic for the fellas.

2.  Chris Stapleton & Justin Timberlake – Drink You Away

Not sure if this song really fits into 2015… But I can tell you this performance does!  Holy Shit!  The energy in this performance was just electrifying.   Maybe I got to caught up in the performance on this one.  But I think I am with the majority on this one…


1.  Burning House – Cam

Well as we wrap up 2015 this just so happens to be the #1 song in the US at the moment.  And for a debut album #Untamed Cam nailed it with Burning House.   I love the story,  the delivery and the arrangement.   So damn good.  We hope to have our chat with Cam sooner than later but in the meantime crank this one up!  Enjoy! And congrats Cam!

Thats it folks.. That is my Top 21 Country songs of 2015.  Would love to hear your top 3 songs of 2015 with your comments below.   Thanks for reading.

Corey Kelly / @CoreyKelly76


0 Responses

  1. Incredible list Corey, like you I share a passion for country music. My list would also include Mickey Guyton Better Than You Left Me, Gonna Blake Shelton, Airwaves Brett Kissel, Paul Brandt & Jess Moskaluke I’m an Open Road, Kelsea Bellerni Love Me Like You Mean It, Girl Crush Little Big Town, I’m sure I’m missing songs as how can I reasonably remember all the great songs I heard? Hands down JT & Chris Stapleton performance was amazing. Thanks for introducing me to so many new talents LoCash, Thousand Horses, Cadillac Three, Brothers Osborne, Erik Dylan long before they received air play, I bought their music on iTunes due to your posts. Thank you Corey!

    1. Thanks for reading Donna… That is all we are trying to do. Promote some amazing music. Sometimes up here in Canada we miss out on so many great US acts but it’s great to hear that the word is being spread to some ears! Thanks for reading & watching. We hope we can bring you even more music in 2016!

  2. Corey! Great list… we have a similar taste in country music. I bet every single one of those artist would be on my list1 My top 3 would include Kip Moore ( Wild Ones is the most played album on my play list ) Tim Hicks, and Dallas Smith. I would give the boys from High Valley a mention in my list too – they are going places! And in a big way for 2016.

    All the best in 2016… its going to be a huge year for Country music in Ontario! and Canada for that matter. I can feel it already!

  3. Most of your list were also on mine although I’m very surprised to not see Dean Brody and High Valley on your list and of course LBT with Girl Crush!