So people seemed to like what was suggested last week for my inaugural Barn Burners… Well it’s week #2 and boy do I have a couple really strong offerings this week.

Lets kick it off with Granger Smith’s current single Backroad Song.  It has slowly started to get a bit more play north of the border but still isn’t in a regular rotation quite yet.  And we are really hoping that Granger ventures North this summer for a show or two in Ontario.   Thinking him and Tebey should hook up for a couple dates would be a perfect fit.  Just sayin’


My next choice is a brand spanking new song that just hit YouTube TODAY.  Canada’s own Meghan Patrick releases her debut single, and let me tell you this has HIT written all over it.  The Bowmanville native has been smashing around the industry for the last couple years but late in 2015 signed to Warner Music Canada and has spent the last 4 or 5 months trying to get the album together and this single is an absolutely brilliant way to kick offer her debut.  So crank this one up to 10 baby cause it deserves it!


The next one I am throwing out there is one you likely have heard over the last couple weeks on radio as I have caught it a couple times on my local station but I am headed to Vegas on Monday and hoping to catch Rascal Flatts while I am in town when they performing at The Joint at the Hard Rock Casino.   Here is I Like The Sound Of That.  Gary has one of the best voices in country music and continue to put out some great music.


Last one this week is a guy I really don’t know much about Drake White other than he writes killer tunes and has one of those voices you could listen to for hours.  Here is Drake’s current single Livin’ The Dream.  And I know we have a few readers that are fond of Mr. White, and to be honest so am I.   Just need to get him to play a couple shows in Canada in the next 6-8 months.


Enjoy these ones till next Friday folks.  And don’t be shy would love to hear what you have to say about these ones.    POST BELOW!!!

Corey Kelly / @CoreyKelly76





0 Responses

  1. Great picks again Corey. Hoping to catch Meghan Patrick during RBC Bluesfest, in Ottawa hopefully she’s playing on one of the days I have selected. Drake White likely to break through soon, what a voice. I’m a fan of Granger, Backroads Song has been on Country 101 for a while now as has Rascal Flatts I Like The Sound Of That, both are awesome. No shocker that Rascal Flatss continuously puts out great songs, hope you see them at a show in Vegas. Interesting to read this feature keep them coming!