Vanilla Ice and Salt N Pepa lead all-star trip back to the 90s!

Vanilla Ice - Photo Sisk Photo

It was a night of retro at TD Place in Ottawa on Thursday night, both in music and in fashion. It was a night where generation gaps would be erased and people of all walks of life would descend on Landsdowne Park for one of the biggest 90s dance parties Ottawa has ever seen, headlined […]

TD Place rolling out the time machine starting later this week!

Remember the 90’s? How about the 80’s? Remember the amazing music we used to listen to on our Sony Walkmans? Well over the course of the next month, or so, TD Place in Ottawa is going to take you on a journey back to the good ol’ days of the 80’s and 90’s.

HOT Mid Summer Festival Recap…

So it has been a red hot summer thus far in terms of Festivals we have covered since June 1st.  Not just hot shows but the weather has been smokin’ for most of them.   I though I might take a shot at a mid summer festival recap and just do a quick review on […]

Rock the Park, The Rest of the Story…

After two epic nights of country, Rock the Park shifted gears in Downtown London’s Harris Park. New for 2016 was Virgin Fest 2016, sponsored by 97.5 Virgin Radio, in London. Now, I need to be honest here and say this night’s line up was not one I was really keen on. The line up included […]

Sean Sisk’s Bluesfest Picks

Nothing like a good play on words to get an editor going on an idea with that play on words . Something with more fun for me to do…Photographers Picks. After delaying, postponing, and telling Soundcheck that I was too busy, in all truth it was sorta fun. Here it is, a couple of my […]