It may have been a stressful time for some in the states with the elections underway but the atmosphere inside TD Place was laid back and worry free as former Supertramp frontman Roger Hodgson made his stop in Ottawa on his Breakfast In America Tour. Hodgson formed Supertramp with Rick Davies in 1969. They had their first hits in the early 1970s and by 1979 they were world famous. TD Place was the venue for Roger Hodgson’s second Canadian stop so far on this leg of the tour. Roger Hodgson greeted an eager crowd in Ottawa with a huge smile.

Roger Hodgson performance at TD Place in Ottawa – photo by Renée Boucher Doiron

The arena was buzzing long before he had stepped on stage. 30 minutes to showtime the place was packed. Roger opened the show getting everyone into it right from the beginning playing classics such as “Take the Long Way Home” and “Breakfast in America”. Mr. Hodgson cracked a few jokes in between each song engaging with the audience and really bringing far more than just your basic show. When I say the arena was packed, you have to take into context Roger Hodgson plays for crowds of roughly 1500-2000 people per night.

Roger Hodgson performance at TD Place in Ottawa – photo by Renée Boucher Doiron

Although the show didn’t sell out, Roger expressed gratitude to his fans for allowing him to do this every night as well as a true love for Ottawa. He played two-hour sets with an intermission between allowing fans to get up and stretch.  Roger opened the show with the classics as well as close with, “ Give a Little bit” and “It’s raining again” getting the crowd moving on their feet. Roger told us he wanted “Everybody in this room to leave with a smile on their faces, and I hope these next two songs will do just that!” before closing the show out for what was truly an extraordinary performance. 

TD Place is one of the hottest venues in Ottawa right now with plenty more entertainment to come before the year is out! For full details and tickets to upcoming events visit

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Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron
Roger Hodgson performs at TD Place in Ottawa photo by Renee Doiron