Last night Valory Recording artist Brantley Gilbert brought his hard hittin’ brand of country to the “Big Smoke”.  Gilbert a native of Georgia has been just killin’ it on his cross Canada tour #KickItInThePit with Cory Marquardt opening all 6 shows from Vancouver to Toronto.

Cory Marquardt rocks the Opera House in Toronto - Corey Kelly
Cory Marquardt rocks the Opera House in Toronto – Corey Kelly

Last night was the 1st of 2 SOLD OUT shows at the storied Opera House.  A venue that has played host to some of the musics biggest names such as Nirvana and Eminem.  But last night it was filled with boot stompin’, plaid wearin’ country music lovin’ folks.   Here to see one of country musics biggest stars over the last 3 years.    It had been 2 years since the BGNation stormed into Toronto, his last time here was when he opened for Tim McGraw down at Molson Amphitheatre.    Lots has happened since then but lets leave that for the interview to be posted early next week.

Cory Marquardt rocks the Opera House Stage in Toronto - Corey Kelly
Cory Marquardt rocks the Opera House Stage in Toronto – Corey Kelly

Cory Marquardt got things started with a short acoustic set that had the already packed house rockin’.  For those not familiar with one of Canada’s hottest young artist, Cory sat down with us earlier this week to do a Mason Jar Session and it can be viewed here.  Cory has just recently released his debut album This Man with singles such at Smartphone and 21 already getting radio spins across the country.  Cory is one to watch in the next year without a doubt.   But last night he jammed out to the capacity crowd at the Opera House and from the moment he stepped foot on the stage you could tell he was ready to burn the place down.  Having seen Cory with a full band before and then seeing the broken down set with just himself and his side kick Brent Farva kickin’ it on stage.

Brent Farva performs at the Opera House in Toronto with Cory Marqardt - Corey Kelly
Brent Farva performs at the Opera House in Toronto with Cory Marqardt – Corey Kelly

Don’t get me wrong, I love the big show / production stuff.  But hearing Cory perform in front of 850+ boisterous country fans that seemed to just settle in and really listen.  I can recall standing in the back of the venue and half way through Cory’s set I over hear a young lady say “Who the hell is this guy, he is f*#kin’ Awesome…”  .  Safe to say last night Cory made some new fans with his fantastic set.   Just a side rant here… Canadian Country Radio wake the F$%K up… it’s time to get talented Canadian artist like Cory back on the radio. I have totally had enough of the over produced shit that fills a lot of the airwaves these days.  Ok, got that off my chest and likely made a few enemies in the meantime.  Back to the show.

Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly

When a guy like Brantley Gilbert hits the stage to a sold out house it can kinda make ya think that the place will actually erupt.  The reception BG got when he hit the stage was wicked.   The crowd lit up as did Brantley.  Smilen’ and just boppin’ on the stage as he opened his set with Kick It In The Stix a high-octane cut to kick the energy filled night off.    Now for those not so frequent listeners to Mr. Gilbert you may think that he puts the foot down and just hits hard with big rockin’ country track after another but BG has a soft side.  And songs like You Don’t Know Her & One Hell of an Amen were real stand out songs in the set.

Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly

Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly

Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly

To me breaking it down and putting songs like that in your set just give you a bit more depth as an artist.  I know for the big BG fans the news that he told his earlier in the day about his new album might be a bit surprising to some.  The night really was full of awesome music.   I have to say I was pleasantly surprised when they played my personal favourite Lights of My Home Town.  For some reason the lyrics of that one just really resonate with me.   Brantley has one more show tonight, unfortunately if you don’t already have a ticket you’re likely getting in unless you get lucky and snag a ticket online.  If you can get there I would strongly suggest you get your ass down to the Opera House on Queen East in Toronto and get your eargasm on!

Couple Quotes from the fans on the way out..

“Can we get him to come up and play here every year please” – Michelle (Toronto)

“That was the best concert I have ever seen,  That guy is wild” – Justin (Kitchener)

“This guy better be playing Boots & Hearts next year.  He fu$kin’ Rocks”  – Tyler (Whitby)

“We had a great time at the show. 1st time seeing both Cory & Brantley and they did not disappoint.” – Karen (Stouffville)

Corey Kelly / @CoreyKelly76

Brantley Gilbert performs for a SOLD OUT Opera House in Toronto - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs for a SOLD OUT Opera House in Toronto – Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert band member performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert band member performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House - Photo: Corey Kelly
Brantley Gilbert performs in Toronto @ the Sold Out Opera House – Photo: Corey Kelly



0 Responses

  1. Love this .. Corey Kelly, I want your job!! but you do the best at this job, so never mind. Love Cory Marquardt all around. He is so good and fun to watch. (and yes girls, easy on the eyes too) What you said about Country Canada Radio … YOU NAILED IT !!! I agree 100% Wake the F^^k UP!!