The Kings of Leon made a stop in Calgary’s Knoxville Tavern to perform a FREE show as one of the 20 Aurora Illumination concerts across Canada. If you were one of the lucky folks to win your way in, then you enjoyed a very packed and wild ride without needing to be in the Stampede’s rodeo!
A LOT of extra lights, equipment, and gear was brought in for the show. Easily more than twice the normal set up that Knoxville’s has for the Stampede Tent … as well as a bit more wiggle room in the photo pit, but that just meant a few more people were watching from outside the tent. Luckily, mother nature was on their side and it was a perfect evening for an outdoor version of the show.

There were also a LOT of people outside the venue along the sidewalk and streets listening to the music without the advantage of being part of the audience.
Michael Bernard Fitzgerald and Kong were on before Kings of Leon but were in no means just “the opening acts”. Calgary’s MBF has been making the rounds in Calgary during the Stampede … he was a very last minute fill in on the Coca-Cola stage when Daniel Ceasar had transportation issues and couldn’t get there in time. I think I had MORE people stop me to ask where the images were being posted for MBF than Kong and KOL combined!

Kong hit the stage during the Kings of Leon meet and greet session due to a delay, which meant most had to almost claw their way back to their spots to see the end of the set. Kong put on an entertaining set – changing up playing and singing and moving around the stage – which seemed much appreciated by the crowds on the side if cheering level increases were any indication.

Before Kings of Leon came on – during the set changeover from Kong – they vacuumed the stage – with a KOL branded vacumn!

There was no doubt that everyone in attendance was a KOL fan to some extent … once the band started playing “Use Somebody”, the entire crowd sang out so loudly you couldn’t hardly hear lead singer Caleb through the chorus!

… but then it’s not often anyone is going to get a chance to see performers with 12 Grammy nominations, 4 wins, platinum selling albums in several countries around the world over more than a decade play in what is essentially a giant tent in a bar parking lot with a backyard party atmosphere!
Head to the Aurora Illumination Series web site and be sure to register for the newsletter to get notifications on where the other FREE concerts with great artists (such as Sam Roberts Band & Post Malone) are going to be across Canada … there’s still MORE artists and dates to be announced!